Brentwood Communications is now influence Marketing

Gravity 2.0 Digital Market Magnet

Using behavioral targeting, we can find consumers based on the likelihood to have private health insurance. Households with people who are likely to have health insurance with companies like Cigna, Blue Cross, United, etc. The GRAVITY 2.0 process uses thousands of online touch points to identify patients who are commercially insured.

GRAVITY 2.O Digital Market Magnet puts your message where all the eyeballs are with digital marketing, acknowledging the huge audience shift to digital healthcare communication. It utilizes the latest digital marketing techniques to target the commercially insured audience, with the right message.

A digital campaign of web banner, Facebook and paid search advertising reaches your prospect when they are interested and looking for your service. Their click on your ad is tracked all the way through to your website landing page to a form fill, a phone call or other call to action.

GRAVITY 2.0 utilizes the latest online techniques including:

  • Targeted, relevant website banners
  • Tracks and measures how many patients the campaign pulled and how many came to the hospital.
  • Real time dashboard to track results 
  • Daily optimization by channel and message
  • Targeted audience segments and keyword lists pulled from thousands of sites
  • Geotargeting
  • Keyword retargeting
  • Behavioral targeting

Contact Us for More Gravity 2.0 Digital Data Analytics Information and Details

To receive more information about Gravity 2.0 Data Analytics please fill out the form below. Someone from our account service department will contact you to answer your questions or set up a time to review our data analytics capabilities. Or call us at your convenience 720-432-4419 and ask for account service.

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