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What’s the difference?

What’s the difference? – By Bruce Loeffler, Customer Service Expert

In Nashville, there are two primary supermarkets; A and B.

In Supermarket A, the employees tend to be positive, engaged, cheerful, considerate and make me feel valued.

In Supermarket B, the employees tend to be impersonal, callous, rarely smile and are more matter-of-fact.

I choose to drive out of my way to frequent Supermarket A because they make me feel like I matter to them. It’s the same with a hospital. When the PBX operator is friendly, when the information desk greets me with a smile and calls me by name, when the lab tech puts me at ease, when the nurse introduces herself and immediately helps alleviate my concerns…that’s the place I want to be.

People are willing to pay more, to drive further, to go-out-of-their way when they feel valued. One of the most important attributes I’ve discovered in the 100+ hospitals I’ve worked with is the term, “Compassion”…do you listen, do you care, and are you truly engaged?

Those little things are the very things that make the difference.

Those are the very skills that set your hospital and your people above everyone else!

Check out my book, “The Experience,” log onto BCI’s Customer Experience Training or call 720-432-4419 to help transform your service.

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