It was Benjamin Franklin who coined the now famous saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Today, thanks to modern medical technology, we could also say that an ounce of prevention can save your life. Just ask Norah O’Donnell, whose compelling story demonstrates the life-saving importance of early detection. An early diagnosis of any medical condition opens the door for more effective treatment and care.
As the anchor of the CBS Evening News, Norah O’Donnell is the #1 most-watched woman on TV news in America. With her two-year anniversary as the CBS anchor coming up in July, Norah is taking advantage of her high-profile position to get the word out about melanoma, the dangerous skin cancer she was diagnosed with almost five years ago. She recently talked to My Hometown Health to share the lessons that experience taught her and why she believes women across the United States need to reimagine their relationships with their healthcare providers.
With Memorial Day upon us and summer officially here, swimming pools are opening across the county and outdoor activities will be in full swing. Educating your community about the importance of sunscreen and other life-saving preventative actions is key. The current issue of BCI’s My Hometown Health offers insight and information for both men and women of all ages on the importance of preventative health screenings as well as other useful facts to help keep your patients safe, before it’s too late.
Brentwood Communications helps hospitals stay in touch with their communities through an informative and cost-effective digital and printed magazine called My Hometown Health, a powerful tool to help promote better health and raise awareness of key services available at the hospital. We make creating and publishing a customized, local community health magazine easy and convenient. Click here to discover more about how Brentwood Communications specializes in promoting non-urban hospitals.