Brentwood Communications is now influence Marketing

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Is Here!

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an international health campaign that heightens awareness, empowers survivors, and helps in preventing the disease.

Brentwood Communications has joined forces with hospitals across the nation in an effort to reach communities and change lives. Our annual National Mammography Campaign is an effective, field-tested and proven direct mail campaign designed to promote mammography and regular screenings to all members of the community.

In addition to our direct mail program, we also support Breast Cancer Awareness in October, and ALL year long, through a variety of print and online advertising.  It’s all about spreading the word – any way we can.

We also offer our quarterly MyHealth Magazine. Consider distributing the 2013 fall edition of MyHealth to consumers in your community during the month of October. With this issue you will receive a full color, 8-page health magazine featuring Breast Cancer Awareness and an exclusive interview with Charlie’s Angel Jaclyn Smith. Additional  articles include topics such as Women and Cancer, Shopping Food Smart and Comprehensive Women’s Services.

Contact us for more information at 720-432-4419 or read more about our 2013 National Mammography Campaign here.

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